Uniquely engineer holistic niche markets and resource sucking functionalities. Conveniently producti...
Karate Sports Disciplines from the Spotlight of the Paradigm Shift of Japanese Combat Systems: Analy...
Intricacies between Goju-Ryu vs. Shotokan-Ryu Karate A cross-post from Seiwakai Karate Silicon Valle...
Great Books for Karate Practitioners, Dojo Owners and Instructors Zoë sits down and shares the books...
Early Korean Martial Arts Manuals: Recorded Evidence of the Origins of Taekwondo in Karate
JKF Gojukai Newsletter (Kaihoshi) July 2018 (Japanese only) All Gojuryu Network (www.gojuryu.network...
The Invention of Taekwondo Tradition, 1945–1972: When Mythology Becomes ‘History’